Polyurethane Film

Polyurethane Press Brake Die Protection Film


Elastotuff™️ polyurethane press brake die protection film, prevents die marks on a wide range of materials including stainless, aluminum and other polished stocks. Manufacturing costs will be reduced significantly because secondary polishing or having to scrap expensive blanks is eliminated. Simply cut  Elastotuff™️Film to length, lay it on top of the bottom die and secure one side with double-faced tape.

Available in .015" & .030", Standard widths 2", 4", 6", 12", & 18".  Other Widths Available up to 36" Wide.  Custom slitting available, minimum may apply.  Need a quote, email us

Polyurethane Press Brake Die Film

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Limited sizes and quantities

We also stock many sizes in limited quantities. These are priced to move with quantity discounts.